One rope forms a circle on the left. Another rope forms a circle on the right. Both circles each have nine strings of different colors tied to them. The strings extend outward as if they were rays emanating from the circles. In the center of the image, a short red string connects the two circles.

Let's make media accessible together!

Pintora, grabadora, muralista, Rina Lazo, es testigo vivo de la Escuela Mexicana de Pintura. La artista guatemalteca nos comparte su experiencia como heredera del Movimiento Pictórico Mexicano.

Sensibilidad y congruencia dirigieron su pincel para crear obras cuyo poder ideológico sigue vigente; como alumna de Diego Rivera y Frida Kahlo, adquirió conciencia y determinación en el trazo hasta consolidar un estilo propio.

Una de las pocas creadoras que, tras poco más de 70 años de trayectoria, continúa activa.

Available accessibility

  • Spanish captions
  • Spanish description

Canal 22 Internacional

DirecTV (CH 446), AT&T (CH 3022), Spectrum (CH 841),

Grande (CH 205), Wave (CH 518), Verizon (CH 1646).

Why use All4Access

  • Are you producing assets such as captions, audio description, subtitles or SL- Sign Language for your media?
  • Are you under regulations to provide accessibility for your media content?
  • If someone else has already created accessibility assets that you need, would you be interested in using the same files to reduce costs?

All4Access is a universal clearinghouse of accessibility assets that facilitates its exchange while protecting the rights of media creators.
Store and share your accessibility assets in All4Access to streamline the touchpoints and allow you to reduce costs and maximize reach, potential and impact.

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